Start it together, finish it together! Why you NEED to join my next virtual bootcamp.
It takes 21 days to make a new healthy habit and this was many of us coaches in Marbella on our success trip after smashing cardio together, as a collective, as a team.
The majority of us started out either as bootcampers on these amazing online programmes OR just wanting to take a passion for fitness to the next level.
The first programme most of us did was 21 days long, 30 minutes a day and a mix of cardio, weights, Pilates, core etc and that is what we generally recommend to most people coming on this journey with us and WHY?
It takes 21 days to create a new habit and it’s also manageable. Everyone (yep even you) can find 30 minutes in their day if they really want to make a change, normally changing habits built up over many many years.
Our online bootcamp is actually an accountability group, what do you get in one of these groups?
- support - 121 coaching from goal through to results - a community of other ladies in the same boat to help keep you high on the low days and you do the same in return - a dedicated nutrition plan which is designed to let you eat the foods you love but teach you how to manage your portions and balance your diet more - fantastic workouts which we have all done ourselves and lost weight, inches, toned and strengthened - BFFs, ladies who have your back and who get it!!!
You don’t get this just going to the gym AND you can do it without the hefty price tag and from the comfort of your home, your office, the park..wherever!!!